This is a detailed article of a guided project I did where I visualize Road Accident Data. I used Excel.
Table Of Contents:
1. Introduction
2. Process
3. Finished Project
4. What I learnt
5. Conclusion
I have been following Data Tutorials for a while now and I decided to recreate his Excel project (Road Accident dashboard). My main aim was to see if I can recreate the project as well as learn something new.
Below is the link to the YouTube video where he created the project as well as the link where you can download the dataset.
Microsoft Excel:
The dataset I downloaded was in a csv file, I reviewed the dataset and realized it needed some cleaning
· I checked for empty cells
· I replaced misspelt words
· I added year and month which was retrieved from date as it would be needed for analysis
Data prepping:
I thought about the possible stakeholders that would need the visuals
Possible Stakeholders:
· Ministry of Transport
· Road Transport Department
· Police Force
· Emergency Services Department
· Road Safety Corps
· Transport Operations
· Traffic Management Agencies
· Public
· Media
After cleaning the dataset, I focus solemnly on the insights I could derive from the dataset and I did so by asking business related questions like:
· Total casualties
· Monthly trend showing comparison of casualties for current year and previous year
· Casualties by Vehicles
· Casualties by Road type
· Casualties by Road surface
· Casualties by Location
· Casualties by Light condition
1. Most Casualties were Slight
2. The highest number of Accident was by Car
3. The most common Accident was on single carriage way
4. Dry surface has the highest Casualties
5. Most Accident occurred during daylight
6. Accident mostly occurred at rural area
What I learnt:
· I learnt how to use Icons in Excel
· After working on the project, I had a deeper understanding of how to use Excel Visuals
· I learnt how to use filters to visualize data
. I learnt how to use Pivot tables
Working on this project was really exciting and fun and overall very educative. I was able to learn something new as well as recreate the project into something new but not totally different from the original dashboard created.
In my honest opinion, Data Tutorials is an excellent teacher, and the project was quite straightforward to grasp.